

Meaningful Connection


Unique Gatherings 

for Women Physicians and Dentists



Join us for conversation & community that will help you go farther in life.



Sunday, June 23

2 pm Central

Celebrating Community

Sunday, July 21st

3 pm Central


Living By Intuition with Dr. Nesrin Abu Ata



Join Us and Emerge from What Holds You Back 

Join The Community

All Women Physicians & Dentists Welcome


Emerge for Women Physicians & Dentists



Dear Friends. . . Emerge is a beautiful community of heart-centered women physicians & dentists who simply want genuine connection and growth. 

We share our strengths and challenges to create a more meaningful life.



2024 Virtual Gatherings 


Sunday, Feb 18th

8 pm Central

The Grand Finale Before Emerge Stronger 2024


Zoom Links are sent out to email subscribers - sign up with the form below.


In-Person CME


Emerge Stronger 2024

February 29th - March 3rd, 2024

Omni La Mansíon del Rio

San Antonio, Texas

Emerge Stronger 2024 Info Here

Join the Journey with Others Who Are Also Emerging.

All Women Physicians & Dentists Welcome

Meet Your Guides

Dawn Sears, MD

Meet an all around amazing human.  Dawn is many things to many people. . . and to those who have experienced the magic of the events she creates, she is a dear friend.

Dena George, MD

Dena is a lover of learning, guided by curiosity, and "has a way with words". . . most of the time it's helpful.  (Big smile)  She is deeply invested in creating meaningful events.